Peleton rowing machine

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Peleton rowing machine

Post by 1xsculler »

My son in law just got his Peleton rowing machine to add to his gym which includes their cycle and treadmill. He is pretty fanaticala about his bike and he works out on it religiously.
The rower seems to be very smooth and sophisticated compared to my C2.
I just did a 2k test on my C2 so I’m eager to try it on the Peleton for comparison in a week or two.
Any comments???
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Re: Peleton rowing machine

Post by Almostflipped »

A few people over on reddit have given it a try and say it has a different watt to split conversion (higher splits for same wattage) and a different feel through the catch. I'm curious to try one but could never see myself paying 3k for a rower. Particularly one with so many electrical parts just waiting to break and be replaced or for the company to fail and brick their machine. Happy if it expands the rowing market, but I think it's a small niche it's filling at that price point.
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Re: Peleton rowing machine

Post by Almostflipped »

Had a chance to try out the Peloton Rower this past week. Interesting experience. First, it is dead silent. This is a nice feature if you live in an apartment and want to workout while the family is asleep. The technical hints were also interesting in that you calibrate the machine to your own finish and catch positions, then it corrects you against those calibrations. Assuming you are in good positioning to begin with, this might be nice to keep you honest on longer pieces. However it wasn't all great to me. The resistance was near instantaneous at the catch and I didn't get a sense of acceleration through the drive, so it was heavy at the finish. Also for the given drag factor, it was a good bit heavier than a C2. Last, I thought the splits were a second or two slower for the wattage I was pulling. This honestly doesn't matter though as none of the machines out there have perfectly matching splits.

To my tastes, I like my C2. If I were to get a rower with a subscription basis, I'd go for the Hydrow (based on memory from testing it a couple years ago). I think I recall the Hydrow having a nicer feel to it, and it is a lot less expensive. That said, if you are interested in fitness and in the peloton environment already, it's not a bad machine.
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Re: Peleton rowing machine

Post by frankdolezal »

The "on the water" video was shot from the bow of a boat facing forward (instead of backward which is what you would see while rowing). That feels kinda weird. The heel-cups on the footstrechers require shoes to work... I can erg in my socks on my c2. Also the footplate angle and slide/rail angle is different, I won't say it bad/better, just different. The footstraps are velcro, so if you are used to strapping you feet in tight this might be different. The inertia on the chain has a different feel, probably due to the magnetic resistance instead of air. So when you apply pressure and pull, you don't accelerate the same as a C2 (which also doesn't accelerate the same as a water-rower)

The dead quiet sound is kinda amazing. Nice when listening to the TV or music or listening for a knock at the door or your dryer in the basement to beep. The seat is super comfy. Screen placement is great, helps me sit tall, and very sturdy, doesn't wiggle when knocking out 10.

The Heart-Rate dongle integrates well. But isn't as nice as a comparably price hr monitor that you could purchase at a sporting goods store. All of the metrics/phone-app/goals and software works smoothly. They do have the software UI figured out.

The Peleton rowing classes are just ok... I haven't found any of the instructors to be super special. But I also felt my spinning instructors were better than what the Peleton bike provided online. I do like the Peleton Yoga instructors, and use them often pre/post-workout, I feel I get a better experience than the Yoga teachers at my local Gym.

I also own a Peleton Bike, and my biggest complaint is you can only play Peleton Content on the screen. Sometimes I want to stream movies etc, so I have to setup a 2nd screen by it. For what you are paying for Pelton, just let me stream Netflix or something from my phone.
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